COLGOV: Local governance with impact through data analysis

COLGOV is an interdisciplinary academic network made up of teachers, researchers and students from the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Finance, Government, and International Relations, who work alongside researchers from University of Essex.

The objective of the network is to provide technical assessment that promotes the culture of governance trough the use of data to promote the development of Colombian municipalities.

Our Actions Lines

Human capital to strengthen local governance

Our network has a specialized team with the ability to provide a comprehensive offer of training spaces aimed at a wide variety of audiences, including private sector, local authorities and officials, civil society, undergraduate and postgraduate students in the following topics:

  • Quantitative methodologies for data analysis and decision-making.
  • Formulation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.
  • Qualitative methodologies for comprehend complex problems at the local level.
  • Analysis of methodologies that combine quantitative and qualitative elements in decision-making.
  • Methodologies for the identification and alternative solutions for complex public problems (challenge labs).

Consulting and research with impact on local development

For COLGOV contributing to the growth of the country through tools that promote local development is one of the priorities. Therefore, its lines of consultancy and research revolve around:

  • Transparency, accountability, and citizen participation.
  • Sustainable management of the territory.
  • Formulation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.
  • Impact of international cooperation projects.
  • Incidence of civil society in making the right decisions in the territories.
  • Peacebuilding, resilience, and reconciliation in territories affected by violence.

For more information about our academic and consulting offer, you can write to us at:


Universidad Externado de Colombia


Network Members

Essex University

Kakia Chatsiou
Kakia Chatsiou

Postdoctoral researcher at ISER at Essex University, previously linked to the Catalyst project in UK.

Her research focuses on the areas of evaluation of public administration, data science, and artificial intelligence (IA).

Royce Carroll
Royce Carroll

Director of Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. PhD in Philosophy. University of Political Science, San Diego, B.A. Government of the University of Texas, Austin.

Externado University

Paola Montilla
Paola Montilla

PhD in Political Science from University of Salamanca. Master in Latin American Studies from University of Paris III-IHEAL. Political Scientist from National University of Colombia. She belongs to the GEL-ALACIP Legislative Studies Group.

Javier Garay
Javier Garay

PhD in Political Science from University of East Paris, Marne-la-Vallée. Master’s in international Affairs and professional in Government and International Relations from Externado University.

His research areas are international development and international political economy.

Johann Julio
Johann Julio

Master’s in Urban Management from the Pontifical University of Paraná (Brazil) and professional in Finance and International Relations. He has worked in the public sector as deputy director of financing for habitat in the district secretariat of habitat in Bogota and has been a consultant on territorial development issues.

Helen Orjuela
Helen Orjuela

Master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies on Development from Andes University. Economist from Externado University.

David Ortíz
David Ortíz

PhD in Economics from George Mason University & professional in Government and International Relations.

Junior Researchers

Ángela Gaitán
Ángela Gaitán

Master’s in Economics and Economist from Externado University.

Her research topics are related to public policy, corruption, and behavioural economics. She’s currently part of the Institute of Business Economics and Human Rights.