Bank of study cases on Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Despite the accelerated dynamic that has accompanied the implementation of Social Responsibility and Sustainability, in Colombia we still lack thorough academic studies that can lead to clearly understanding key aspects of socially responsible management that organizations are starting up such as what are the problems they are looking to resolve, what are the interest groups these are directed at, where are the initiatives being developed and what benefits are the organizations involved obtaining through the process, among others.
For this reason, and with the aim of contributing to a reflection on these issues and the construction of new knowledge, the Universidad Externado de Colombia, in the framework of its post-graduate programs in Social Responsibility and Sustainability, is building a bank of case studies on socially responsible experiences that companies and non-business organizations carry out in Colombia. The research project is being carried out in alliance with the Red Local del Pacto Global Colombia (the Local Network of the Colombian Global Pact) and the Asociación de Fundaciones Empresariales (AFEBusiness Foundation Association).
The study cases offer a tool that can be used in two ways: knowledge building or as a pedagogical instrument. Through research, study cases allow for documenting experiences in development with the aim of identifying in detail the characteristics of the interventions taken on by an organization, in the framework of their Social Responsibility strategies. From this pedagogical process, those papers that emerge as studies of cases become therefore case studies, which allows professors and students alike to work on real-life cases in their classrooms and based on these conclusions they are able to establish lessons learned that will serve to improve organizational practices in development and to propose new forms of actions.
Case studies focused on contributing to ODS No. 8decent work and economic growth 2017: currently under development
Global Pact
Zona Franca Bogotá: Customs Responsibility Program
Asocolflores: Labor inclusión program
Éxito Group: Surtimax and Super Inter Alliance
Equión: Strengthening of the socio-productive conditions of the families in the coffee-zones and young people in Nunchía
Comfandi: Employment Centers Comfandi
Association of Business Foundations (AFE)
Orbis Foundation: The Color of Getting Along
Corona and Luker Foundation: University in your School
Carvajal Foundation: Comprehensive social intervention in community-based organizations of the recycling populations.
Propal Foundation: The Good Neighbor: Inclusive business line
Caicedo González Riopaila Castilla Foundation: Development of the supply chain and competitiveness of local suppliers in Riopaila Castilla S.A.
Case studies focused on peacebuilding in 2016: in the closing process for prompt publication
Global Pact
Amanecer (sunrise) Foundation: Communal Bank
Mequemos Juntos (together), with the support of Terpel: Strengthening the popular economy in Barrancabermeja and Magdalena Medio.
Postobón: Hit Social
Argos Group: Transformation of the forestry activity in Ovejas and Carmen de Bolivar
Smurfit Kappa Colombia: Strengthening the Core Organizations with projects for creating income for vulnerable populations.
Fundación de Atención a la Niñez (FAN)Foundation for Attention to Childhood Years: Protective environments full of colors.
Association of Business Foundations (AFE)
Terpel Foundation: The Leader in Me
Gases de Occidente Foundation: Listening Center in the El Barrio neighborhood
Dividend for Colombia Foundation: Strengthening Scholastic Permanence
Cerrejón Foundation for Institutional Strengthening: Strengthening Plan for Municipal Capabilities.
Port Society of Buenaventura Foundation: Strengthening the inclusion of Communication and Information Technologies (TIC) in the educational processes of Buenaventura
Banacol Foundation: Food security program with banana flour
IC Foundation: Associative and Productive Projects for the vulnerable populations in Tumaco