Certificate program in teaching spanish as a foreign language – online

The ELE Certificate Program is aimed at all people who are interested in acquiring and developing skills in teaching Spanish as a foreign language or for those Spanish teachers who wish to enhance their professional development.

Through the program, participants reflect upon the main linguistic, cultural and didactic aspects to prepare themselves to respond efficiently to the high demand of teaching / learning Spanish both on-shore and overseas.

On the one hand, this Certificate Program puts at the service of students the wide experience and knowledge of our professors and, on the other, it offers a curriculum structured by subjects that provide future teachers with practical and pedagogical tools needed to perform their work with professionalism and also allow those who are already Spanish teachers to update their knowledge and skills.

Who it is for:

The course is addressed to any Colombian or foreign person interested in teaching Spanish as a foreign language who speaks Spanish fluently (level required C1 according to the Common European Framework) and has at least a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Course Duration: 120 hours

Academic program:

Module 1: GRAMMAR -30 hours-

Module 2: PEDAGOGY AND DIDACTICS – 30 hours-

Module 3: CULTURE -30 hours-

Module 4: EVALUATION -30 hours-


Course Duration: 3 months

The whole classes of the ELE certificate program will be held online.

At the beginning of the course, the first two modules will be available on the website, and after evaluating these, the other two modules will be available.

General methodology:

Each module will be developed through combination of theory and practice. Students will be provided with theoretical contents and implementation workshops to analyze them in group by means of  the discussion forums.

Number of vacancies: 20


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