The Center for Studies on Genetics and Law invites to the talk by Carlos Mario Ramírez, CEO of the General Social Security Resources System Administration (ADRES).
The course will address the trends that are defining cities and intelligent territories, viewed from innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and new generations, relevant in the decision-making of local governments.
National and international experts and government agencies representatives will participate in the event, with the central theme of Water Law.
The Economics Law Department invites to the meeting on July 5, 2018.
The meeting, organized by the Center for Studies in Financial Law, will be held July 4, 2018, at the Externado de Colombia University.
The Center for Studies on Genetics and Law invites to the third meeting of the first conference cycle on Genetics and Law, on June 22, 2018.
In its quest to continue being the leader in training the best attorneys in the country, the Externado de Colombia University has worked, hand in hand, with La República newspaper in the production and publication of the book “Firmas de Abogados en Colombia” (Law firms in Colombia). The work makes a historical construction on the establishment of the major firms while reviewing the trajectory of the main Law education centers in the country.
The Economics Law Department invites all interested to the next Center for Studies encounter, July 12, 2018.
The event will feature Dr. Jorge Castaño, Financial Superintendent of Colombia.
The event seeks for attendees to understand the scope, challenges, and opportunities of the Action Plan and Follow-up of the CONPES Document 3920 «National policy for the Exploitation of Data (Big Data)» and its relevance to the design of intelligent cities and territories.