The problem of consciousness, mental processes, and meditative experience, from the Vedic perspective
Within the training program provided by the Psychology program, different extracurricular activities are offered.
Within the training program provided by the Psychology program, different extracurricular activities are offered.
The Sciences and Human Processes Interdisciplinary Laboratory -LINCIPH – and the Multicultural Interactions program invite to the discussion group.
The Anthropology Program and the Science and Human Processes Interdisciplinary Laboratory (LINCIPH) invite to participate in the first workshop «Ecological, agro-food, and holiday calendars.»
Within the launching of the book “Alimentar las Ciudades: Territorios, actores, relaciones” (Feeding cities: territories, actors, and relationships), the Finance, Government and International Relations and the Social and Human Sciences Faculties will hold an interdisciplinary academic panel.