Book Launching: “Turismo Sostenible, diez consejos para lograrlo”

The Tourism and Hotel Business Administration Faculty invites to the launching of the book “Turismo Sostenible, diez consejos para lograrlo” (Sustainable Tourism, ten tips to achieve it), by María Claudia Lacouture, Externado graduate, former Colombia Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism, and current Executive Director of AMCHAM Colombia – Colombo American Chamber of Commerce.

Discussion group: «Can the success of errors in production and organization of an event change your profession?»

The event is held within the framework of the «Creative and Innovators who Inspire” talks cycle. The chat will be offered by Daniel Quiñonez, producer of national and international events; he has worked in the design and organization of concerts, such as EDC Mexico, Roger Waters 2007 and 2018, Paul McCartney, Madonna, and Lady Gaga, among others.