Young Researchers

Each semester the Faculty of Economics links active master’s students to the Young Researchers Program, a unique job opportunity that allows its members to participate in research projects, while they advance in their master’s studies.

This combination between academia and research allows to strengthen the work profile of its participants, by deepening their skills to direct research projects or consultancies and build a specialized work network.


  • Be enrolled in one of the master’s degrees offered by the Faculty of Economics during the semester in which the call is published.
  • For candidates who are in the last semester of undergraduate studies, and who are about to start master’s studies, they must meet their degree requirements.
  • Be interested in actively participating in academic research.
  • Sense of belonging.
  • For active master’s students, a minimum average of 3.8 is required.

Regulations for Young Researchers

How to apply?

The call will be opened according to the investigative and administrative needs of the faculty. Interested students should send motivation letter and resume to the, indicating the areas of interest, they will later be called for an interview.

The applications will be evaluated by the faculty together with the academic resume and the selected students will be communicated.

Nota:??joining the Young Researchers Program does not exempt the payment of academic tuition.

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Estudiantes vinculados

Conozca nuestros jóvenes investigadores vinculados.

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