
Micro-workshop: Teaching through voice, speech techniques, and podcast for teachers
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Brunch + Learning: ICTs as a transversal axis in the integrating project
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In this session, Externado professors will learn how to adapt the content of their classes to a sound format.
From success stories, we will reflect on the implications, lessons learned, and benefits of using this type of technology in teaching and learning.
This online conference aims to clarify basic concepts and answer questions about use for academic purposes in digital contexts.
This 15-hour course will be carried out over three weeks of study.
During the event, teachers will learn how to use five web tools.
Teachers participating will learn how to create strategies for their classes.
The event is directed to the teaching faculty. Those wishing to participate must reserve their space in advance.
The Externadista Virtual Community invites all professors to participate in the event.
The Externadista Virtual Community invites the teaching faculty to participate in the November Training Events.