Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Faculty of Economics is the advisory body in charge of aiding in the review of academic, educational, and disciplinary matters, and of resolving the issues that correspond to it in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the university.

Is presided by the Dean of the Faculty and is made up for three professors and two students with their respective substitutes. They are elected by the Council of Professors and by the students for a period of two years and one year respectively.

  • Dean
    – Julián Arévalo
  • Main professors
    – Edna Sastoque
    – Luis Carlos Calixto
    – Lidia García
  • Substitute professors
    – Jorge Iván González
    – David Rodríguez
    – Enrique Ferrer
  • Main students
    – Valentina Castro
    – Nara Quintana
  • Substitute students
    – José Cuervo
    – María Fernanda Blandón