Construction of State, Territory and Peace
The objective of this research group is to analyze the dynamics of occupation of the Colombian territory and reflect on the organization of metropolitan areas and regions, to build proposals on a new territorial model of the State. The topics discussed are: metropolitan regions and governments, territorial model of the State, geography of violent death, hunger, food loss and waste, metropolitan and municipal situation.
The group also seeks to contribute to research, teaching, citizen participation in reforms to the State and critical contributions to the design of State policies.
It is classified in category A by Colciencias.
The group’s three research lines are:
- State and Democracy
- State and Territory
- Territorial State Model
The group’s topics are articulated under the following objectives:
- Investigate the socio-political and economic guidelines adopted by the agents involved in the modernization process of the Colombian State, to propose policy initiatives and actively participate as academics in the challenges imposed by the construction of peace from the territories.
- To study, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the dynamics of large human agglomerations in the world and Colombia, to address these issues both on a theoretical level and on public policies for urbanization and regionalization.
- To jointly build a multidisciplinary institutionalist theoretical body of the metropolitan economy, through the exploration and systematization of the study of the related disciplinary paradigms of institutional economics and of the other social and exact sciences, to explain the future of large human agglomerations, especially of those of Latin America.
- Actively intervene in international and local discussions about the metropolitan economy, through the participation of members in networks and seminars that bring together researchers on the subject.
See HERE the information about the researchers and the group’s publications