Docentes externadistas participaron en la conferencia ‘Treinta y tres 2021’

El pasado 19 de noviembre, varios(as) profesores del Departamento de Derecho Minero Energético de la Universidad Externado de Colombia representaron a nuestra Casa de Estudios en este evento académico, organizado por The Center for Latino and Latin American Studies at Northern Illinois University.

Durante la conferencia se intercambiaron ideas relacionadas con la transición energética, el uso del hidrógeno, el desarrollo sostenible y la licencia social para operar.

La participación en este espacio académico fue posible gracias a la convocatoria realizada por Christina D. Abreu y Carolina Velandia quienes, desde la Universidad del Norte de Illinois, invitaron a presentar sus ponencias al director del Departamento de Derecho Minero Energético, Luis Ferney Moreno, y a los profesores Luis Bustos, Daniela Aguilar y Lyndon Jay.

El Dr. Luis Ferney Moreno expuso sobre ‘The Role of Renewable Energies in Latin America: A Regulatory Perspective, Sustainable’; Lyndon Jay habló sobre ‘Development Goals and Energy Transition Policy in Colombia’; Luis Bustos realizó su presentación titulada ‘Social License to Operate: Review of the Colombia Case’; y la profesora Daniela Aguilar explicó ‘The Role of Hydrogen for the Sustainability of the Energy Sector in Colombia: A Regulatory Approach’.

Desde la Universidad Externado de Colombia felicitamos a los(as) docentes por su participación en este evento académico, y por representar a nuestra Casa de Estudios en este tipo de certámenes.

Externadista lecturers participated in the conference ‘Thirty-three 2021’

On November 19, several professors from the Department of Mining and Energy Law of the Universidad Externado de Colombia represented our university in this academic event, organized by The Center for Latino and Latin American Studies at Northern Illinois University.

During the conference, ideas related to energy transition, hydrogen use, sustainable development and social license to operate were exchanged.

The participation in this academic space was made possible thanks to the call made by Christina D. Abreu and Carolina Velandia who, from Northern Illinois University, invited the director of the Department of Mining and Energy Law, Luis Ferney Moreno, and professors Luis Bustos, Daniela Aguilar and Lyndon Jay to present their papers.

Dr. Luis Ferney Moreno spoke on ‘The Role of Renewable Energies in Latin America: A Regulatory Perspective, Sustainable’; Lyndon Jay spoke on ‘Development Goals and Energy Transition Policy in Colombia’; Luis Bustos made his presentation entitled ‘Social License to Operate: Review of the Colombia Case’; and Professor Daniela Aguilar explained ‘The Role of Hydrogen for the Sustainability of the Energy Sector in Colombia: A Regulatory Approach’.

The Universidad Externado de Colombia congratulates the professors for their participation in this academic event and for representing our university in this type of competition.