Externado Students Volunteer in Lux Non Occidat

El Museo y Archivo Histórico del Externado consolidó su primer equipo de voluntarios(as), conformado por estudiantes del programa de Historia de nuestra Casa de Estudios. Los(as) jóvenes son los(as) encargados de brindar a los(as) visitantes del Museo la mejor experiencia.

Voluntarios/as en la inauguración de Lux non occidat: Museo y Archivo Histórico

Volunteers at the launch of the Lux non Occidat: Museum and Historical Archive. 

With over 1,000 people visiting the museum, the volunteers from fifth, seventh and tenth semesters have acquired communication skills and abilities. These have enabled them to do the guided visits in a professional and pedagogical manner for the diverse public that has visited this space.

“The guiding experience has been very enriching; it has contributed to my development- both personal and professional. Likewise, it was a challenge at the beginning, since being a museum guide was something I had no knowledge of. For this reason, gaining experience in the area has been one of the greatest gains of volunteering,” affirmed María José Díaz (eighth semester History student).

The UniversityÂ’s promotion activities and Museums Night, held on 18 May 2022, were two great occasions. At these events, the volunteers were able to communiate, to the external visitors, the important aspects of ColombiaÂ’s history which influenced the founding of the Externado. At the same time, the valuable contribution the institution has made to society.

Camila Martínez accompanying the guided visit on Museums Night

For the volunteers, the experience has benfited their professional development. It has ensured the enrichment of the contents in their plan of studies and their first hand learning of original document sources. Concurrently, the Museum has been a source of inspiration for their class topics and future investigations.

“Besides acquiring knowledge of history about the country and the university, it has allowed me to see the product of the investigative work of fellow students, and I have been able to reflect on how one can communicate about and transmit history to the public,” stated Juliana Caicedo (sixth semester student).

This valuable group has been joined by other students who combined volunteering with their professional and academic practice, focused on mediation, documentary and archival organisation, and the creation of pieces and dissemination of digital contents about the museum.

Museum and Historical Archive team meeting.

Currently, the museum is in the process of expanding its volunteer group. The aim is to recruit a diverse group of students from the University.

We invite the student community to form part of the mediation volunteering process for the second semester of 2022. To find out more, click here

Universidad Externado de Colombia wishes to thank the volunteer team that has decided to invest its time in one of the most important projects of our Alma Mater: Lux non Occidat.

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