Ginette Sofía Lozano Maturana

Economic Regulation Lecturer

Economist from Universidad Externado de Colombia with a degree option in law from the University Toulouse-I Capitole (France). Master’s Degree in Applied Economics from the Universidad de Los Andes. Professor of Economic Theory (Faculty of Law – Universidad Externado de Colombia) and of Economic Analysis of Law (Department of Economic Law). She has worked as an External Consultant at the National Planning Department (DNP) and at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), as an Economist at the Economic Studies Group of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, as well as Advisor to the Vice Minister of Infrastructure at the Ministry of Transport and to the President of the National Infrastructure Agency. She is currently the head of Economic Studies at the Superintendence of Industry and Trade (SIC).

Areas of research

Microeconomics, Economic Law, Regulation and Competition, Public and Private Investment in Infrastructure.