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First international Social Business summit in Colombia

Building an Equitable World – Social Business in Colombia.

Poverty and climate change are part of the current reality that we are living through. These circumstances are forcing us to collaborate between nations and organizations around the world to join efforts to generate better living conditions for future generations.


November 11th 2022


Universidad Externado de Colombia
Calle 12 #1 – 17 Este
Main Auditorium – G Building


9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Registration is already close

The School of Management of Universidad Externado de Colombia, through this international summit, joins the global call to raise an educated civilization through diffusion and opening discussions of concepts, practices, and sustainable ideas multiplying the legacy of those who have dedicated their lives to the social change.

Nobel Peace Prizes such as Professor Muhammad Yunus and Juan Manuel Santos along with the Mayor of Bogotá, the Economic Development Secretary, UNDP, RECON COLOMBIA, Innpulsa, Empresas B, Awake, Clearpath and special guests will join us in this Summit to share personal and professional experiences from the world of business and social impact.


Social Business as an engine for poverty alleviation and peace building

Time: 9:00 a.m.

This panel session will have both Nobel Peace Prizes, Professor Muhammad Yunus and former President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, talking about the importance of Social Businesses in Colombia, their role as peace builders and their contribution to the welfare of societies.

Chair: Mauricio Rodríguez. Leadership professor for over 36 years and President of the Board of Latam Airlines Colombia.

Paz Verde social business program in the Amazon

Time: 10:00 a.m.
Christina Jaeger (Managing Director Yunus Environment Hub) and Paula Gaviria (Director Fundación Compaz)

Coffee break

Time: 10:15 a.m.

Promotion of Social Businesses in Colombia

Time: 10:30 a.m.

Empresas B, Innpulsa, RECON COLOMBIA and UNDP, will discuss about the legislation and regulations for Social Businesses, the promotion of business ideas and their economic, social and environmental impact.

Host: Héctor Rojas, Local Economic Development professor.

Social Business Experiences in Colombia

Time: 11:15 a.m.

Awake, Clearpath and a special guest will share their best Social Business practices in Colombia. Thus, they will talk about their main goals and impacts on society, the most important lessons learned and outcomes they are proud of.

Host: Gaia de Dominicis, CEO Yunus Colombia Social Business.

Bogota’s strategy to loan shark lending alleviation

Time: 11:45 a.m.

Alfredo Bateman, Secretary of Economic Development from the Mayor’s office, will talk about the micro credits center strategy within range for vulnerable population in order to defeat the black market of loan shark lending.

Yunus Concluding remarks

Time: 12:10 p.m.

Professor Yunus will close this international Summit sharing his vision of the world and clarifying how Social Business are a powerfull tool to reach poverty and unemployment alleviation.

Why are social businesses essential and why should we talk about them?

According to Yunus, “a social business is a non dividend company focused on solving a social problem. It can generate income for the vulnerable community, provide them with essential products and services such as healthcare, access to clean water and energy or tackle a social problem in that community with a business solution”.

A social business does not depend on donations or subsidies to operate. Funds in social enterprises are invested to increase and strengthen the business and its impact. «A dollar of charity has only one life, a dollar of social business can be invested over and over again«. Muhammad Yunus.

Special thanks to:

Hernando Parra, Muhammad Yunus, Juan Manuel Santos, Claudia López, Alfredo Bateman, Sebastián Marulanda, Adriana González, Hernán Ceballos, Paula Gaviria, Natalia Roa, Shihad Quader, Lamiya Morshed, Zeenat Tabinda Islam, Deena Afroz Yunus, Andrés Santamaría, Camilo Ramírez, Héctor Rojas, Mauricio Rodríguez, Tatiana Bacca, Christina Jäger, Gaia de Dominicis, Doris Suárez, Juan Carlos Castrillón, Miguel Torres, Paula Ramírez, María Fernanda Forero Rubio, Daian Cruz, Alba Lucía Cuesta, Laura Cifuentes, Dubán Erazo, Daniela Aponte, Andrea Díaz, Lina Puentes, Tatiana Sáenz, Camila Toro, Natalia Falla, Camila Carvajal, Jeny Montoya, Alejandra Sierra, María Fernanda Martín, Erick Pérez, Tatiana Acosta, Eliana Vidal, Laura Flórez, Leonardo Prieto, Carlos Restrepo, Liliana López Jiménez, Fernando Herrera, Gustavo Yepes, José Luis Camarena, Laura Sánchez, Santiago Hernández, Daniel Blanco, Gabriela Montoya, Antonio Roveda, Guillermo Donado, Yadira Bazurto, Ángela Calderón, José Luis Quintero, Katya Villota, Jonathan Castro, Yésica Vargas, Sergio Fuentes, Ángélica Padilla, Hernán Graciano, Holman Salgado, Laura Cuevas, Omar González, Maicol Bautista, Nelson Gómez, Víctor Paz, Giovanni Anzola, Nathalia Ossa, Ricardo García, Jennifer Lis, Eduardo Pacheco, Evelyn Karina Pirajan, Ana María Ariza, Paula Ruiz, Gonzalo Ordóñez, José Ignacio Delgado, Mohamet Ali Barake, Luis Alfonso Palacio, Wilson Camperos, Nilson Alean ,Javier Zambrano, Hugo Pérez, Hernando Naranjo, Sonia Novoa, Leydy Guerrero, Clara Franco, Daniel Pardo, Emilssen González de Cancino, Andrés González, Hilda Bautista, Stefany Ruiz, Ángela Duarte, José Fernando Rubio, José Alexander Mosquera y Luis Fernando Ardila Amaya

Organized by

Universidad Externado de Colombia

School of Business Administration
Phone: +57 601-3419900 Ext: 1210

Luis Fernando Ardila Amaya
Emerging Markets Initiatives Coordinator / Comunications
María Fernanda Forero Rubio
Marketing Coordinator


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