“Brief poetry” at the Virtual Creative Writing Workshop

“Minimal Circus,” the title giving identity to this new cycle, is an approach to ‘minifiction,’ which differs from the conventional story not only because of its brevity but also because of its ‘fractality’ and symbolic irony.

APA Standards Workshop – Seventh Edition

Citation and referencing are two of the most relevant aspects of preparing quality academic work. Thus, the Library offers a complementary training program on this subject.

‘Hyperbrevity’ at the Virtual Creative Writing Workshop

«Minimal Circus,» the title giving identity to this new cycle, is an approach to ‘minifiction,’ which differs from the conventional story not only because of its brevity but also because of its ‘fractality’ and symbolic irony.

A gift made of words

As an unprecedented act, in an atypical and challenging year, on September 19, the Library invites to celebrate Love and Friendship Day by gifting a “Poetic Call.”


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